15 Articles That ChatGPT Cannot Write Yet
I asked ChatGPT why ‘black people frown when they dance.’ It said that it is not accurate to make generalizations about a group of people.
It responded as such because it is programmed to be sensitive.
What if there is a radical chatbot that will give whatever answer there is — whether sensitive or insensitive (politically correct or politically incorrect)?
A few years ago I wrote an article that answered this satirically.
The second time, I asked ChatGPT to give reasons as to why Elon Musk should return to South Africa. Again, it said it is not appropriate to assume another individual’s personal preferences.
In the past, I also wrote a similar article that answered this comically.
I also wrote an article that spoke of how great teachers pee. The gist of the article was that great teachers, teach from uncomfortable experiences.
I told the story of how I peed my bed back in boarding school and after I innovated a way which made sure I never did again.
It’s embarrassing. I do not think chatbots can combine and articulate such experiences and lessons thereof — at least for now.
If you ask ChatGPT what happens when you mix the internet with banking, it will correctly say online banking. This is the same as one plus two gives three.
Ours as writers is to articulate and explore combinations which AI cannot yet guess. This to me is the high destiny of writing, i.e. to explore novel territories. It has always been. Chatbots are forcing us to do it.
This is nonfictional writing. Here is a fictional example. Think of a cop at the start of a jail film, coming to arrest the main character. He reads him his rights and arrests him.
This scene can be boring. Anyone can write or imagine such a scene. This is the kind of scene ChatGPT writes. It’s sort of straight.
ChatGPT cannot write what has not been said before elsewhere.
Now, as the writer, it’s your job to write (create) unique moments within the scene that make it interesting, edgy and novel perhaps, e.g. a dirty joke that’s never been said before.
Here are my articles that ChatGPT cannot write (maybe yet)
1. How Great Teachers Pee https://buff.ly/3WvJGbd
2. Artificial Intelligence will turn itself into humans and ultimately will self-destruct https://buff.ly/3WNlVv8
3. Five Reasons Elon Musk Should Leave America And Come Back Home To South Africa https://buff.ly/3FkyyI2
4. My Date Wrote on Facebook that She is on a Boring Date While Sitting across from Me: Dating and Business Advice from an Entrepreneur https://buff.ly/3jpDZNo
5. Here is the real reason why black people frown when they are dancing https://buff.ly/3Wzur15
6. A Cruel Lesson from Luther Vandross on How to Stand Out and Create Sensational Impact https://buff.ly/3WLBMKH
7. The Man Who Fed his Child with the Face of the Mother, A Metaphor for Creativity https://buff.ly/3WvoGBo
8. The Neurological Effect of Sister Bethina on Black People and The Beatles’ way https://buff.ly/3C7iszx
9. Making a Dirty Joke and the Only 4 Things I Learned from Gilbert Gottfried https://buff.ly/3YVjOra
10. Why Joe Rogan is a Billionaire https://buff.ly/3zQJDvl
11. The Toilet Reasons Why You Should Do What You Love https://buff.ly/3WswLqt
12. Why I am Glad I Stopped Being Eminem’s Biggest *Biggest Fan https://buff.ly/3I6mtYO
13. Slay Queens, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology and Value https://buff.ly/3WszgcE
14. How successful products reflect our biology — The Human Greed Pyramid cheat sheet https://buff.ly/3Vzhy5H
15. Why They Do Not Want The Kids To Love And Listen to Kanye West https://buff.ly/3kguRsf