Tiisetso Maloma
9 min readMay 22, 2018


Go back. What stood out for you as a kid when you first heard the story of Jesus Christ? What feeling did you get; what feeling do you even get today? I will come back to this later.

What Black Panther reverses (the epigenetics)

Black Panther is good for the economic growth of black people. In a big way, it adds to the reversal of the century-plus brain wiring (epigenetics) of slavery, colonisation and apartheid.

Slavery, colonisation and apartheid said we were not good enough and we should be subservient to the white man — and employed genocidal mechanics, i.e. mass killings, plundering lands, enslaving, castrating, plagiarising African hero stories, calling our ways heretic and heathen.

What are political correctists?

By pro-black political correctist, as cited in the title, I refer to black folk who are ever condemning black people for various things, while they themselves do nothing or take initiative other than whining intellectually.

They call into radio stations saying things like ‘black people should come together and start a black bank’, etc. Wanting people to be pro one another is noble but futile if you do nothing tangible about it, i.e. going alone first in venturing.

Political correctists are present in all races and cultures. I expand on political correctism in this article here: Political Correctness Achieves Nothing

Black Panther origins

Black Panther, following the structure of many superhero comics, starts out by revealing the superhero’s pain, T’Challa, of losing his father, T’Chaka.

Other superhero origins stories

Spider Man loses his parents (killed) as a child.

Batman loses his parents (murdered) as a child.

Superman loses his parents, or rather they mysteriously send him to earth in order to save him as they will be killed and he is the only child left at his home planet of Krypton. He gets adopted. Later on in his teens, he loses (killed in an accident) his adoptive father.

In X-men, Wolverine’s father, John Howlett, is killed by his former groundskeeper, Thomas Logan. This tragedy triggers Wolverine’s (James Howlett) mutation into Wolverine. He uses the powers to avenge and kill Thomas. Before dying, Thomas reveals to Wolverine that he is his real father. He goes on to be a soldier, and later-on, he sort of retires and lives with his new girlfriend Kayla. Stryker, his ex-major, kills Wolverine’s girlfriend as Wolverine refuses to rejoin his team.

Then Wolverine goes out to seek revenge which coincides with saving the planet.

This is the successful structure of many comic superhero stories.

  • They have a pain and we are introduced to it upon learning of them. This makes us compassionate, sympathetic or emphatic towards them. We love them.
  • They have superpowers. Most times they don’t want to use their powers — they want to remain normal and let the world be. Superman was reluctant to use his powers until his stepdad was killed — and somehow regrets not using his powers to save him.
  • Then some evil threatens the world. And even though maybe they are reluctant to use their superpowers, the evil somehow is connected to their past and might also hurt their loved ones. Therefore they are forced to stand up.
  • At first, they might not want help. It’s too dangerous for mortals to assist. But help follows them anyway because they took initiative. Spiderman didn’t want his girlfriend involved in his dangerous fights — rightly so.

How comic hero stories are structured is powerful. We fall in love with them. We relate at some level. They incite in us feelings of either (or all): compassion, empathy, sympathy and gratitude (for saving the world).

N.B. Comic superhero stories don’t have to meet all the points I’ve mentioned above, a minimum of two is enough.

Comic hero story structures are powerful in planting good ideas into people.

Back to Jesus

Do you now recall what you first felt and or heard when you were told of Jesus Christ?

Like me, it could be:

  • Jesus died for our sins (this draws our gratitude).
  • He was brutally killed (it draws our compassion).
  • He knew one of his disciples was going to betray him.
  • He walked on Water. He broke bread and fed thousands. Turned water into wine (he is a superhero).
  • He woke up after three days (heroes don’t die)

Jesus Christ’s story is so powerful and compelling. It is probably one of the reasons why Christianity is the biggest religion in the world.

Jesus Christ’s story also dances around comic superhero structures. Or comic superhero structures dance around Jesus Christ’s story beats (and I am not saying Jesus Chris is a fictional character — some think he is and some strongly don’t think so).

Remixes can be made to the structures. Like I said above, the structure doesn’t have to meet all the points mentioned above — a minimum of two is enough.

Numbers don’t lie

Numbers don’t lie. Hundreds of millions of people flocked to watch Black Panther.

Black Panther grossed $520 million in its opening week worldwide. As of May 8, 2018, it grossed $1.339 billion worldwide. To date, it is the highest-grossing solo superhero film, the third-highest-grossing film of the MCU after The Avengers, and ninth-highest of all time (follow on Wikipedia).

A lot of black people than normal went out to watch this film. In the USA, than normal, more black people went to watch it: normally black people constitute 15% of cinema-goers, but with BP they hit 37%.

This is the power of comic superhero structures.

Let me show you what Black Panther is achieving in black people.

Because of Black Panther:

  • It would be easy and fun (it is) to get kids to go research about black history: transatlantic slave trade, colonisation, Afrofuturism, etc. Check out this beautiful Wakanda Curriculum I found on the net. It has kool questions like ‘What cultures are referenced in BP?’
  • It adds to us feeling more awesome and beautiful with our distinct features, like our so-called ‘nappy hair.’
  • We’ve seen the many people dress in African attire to go watch Black Panther. We see our culture as fucken cool, like not before a few years ago.
  • The Warriors in Black Panther are women. They are partially based on the Dahomey Amazons, an all-female military regiment of the Kingdom of Dahomeyin the present-day Republic of Benin which lasted until the end of the 19th century. These are facts, we rock. Shuri, T’Challa’s little sister, is the leading scientist and technologist. And she is badass street-smart. It portrays that women can lead and propel civilization in ways men can too — if not better. I love you my African queens. I worship you actually.

Over and above, Black Panther makes us feel that we are capable. Capable of doing anything. In this skin of ours.

Requirements for economic growth of a people

As a people, the structures of slavery, colonisation and apartheid took from us this feeling of ‘I am capable.’

History written by the victors made it seem like the only colour that was doing the most was white (but trust me, the slaves knew who the real deal was).

Even inventions slaves could have come up with would have been stolen — and were actually stolen. Blatantly, a lot of slaves’ inventions in the USA were denied registration because they were by blacks/slaves:

Black Panther adds confidence to our spirit. People who are confident in their spirit take initiative. They start messing around, alone. It could be trying to make clothes. Building an app. Whatever.

Doing stuff invokes self-education — which is the best university. Say you are designing a sneaker, you will often need and look for information, from, people who’ve done it, the internet, etc. This is self-education, for a purpose. You become the best student when you are learning for a purpose and a cause you own.

In doing stuff — which I call ‘Being on the Move’ — there are errors. Errors are the cornerstone of discoveries. The implantable cardiac pacemaker by Wilson Greatbatch was a result of an error. Wilson was on the move — he was doing stuff as an engineer and also moonlighting at a chronic disease centre.

Errors provoke re-examination and further perusal of information. Twitter came to being as its founders were working on a different business. They built an application for this business which they later found could be a thing that now we call Twitter — they stopped working on that business to concentrate on Twitter. Twitter is now Twitter.

Mouthwash started as a cure for gonorrhoea until I guess accidentally someone found out it is a good oral antiseptic ( I wonder how that came about!).

Here is why it is important to be on the move — or to be doing stuff. Someone who isn’t on the move (political correctists) doesn’t know what to do with errors they come across — and they hardly into any. Say you play soccer badly but you are the fastest runner, you could try sprint running as a sport. But had you not been running in soccer you wouldn’t have known you are a good sprinter. But because you were on the move, potential in one aspect of the sport is identified.

If you are not on the move, not in technology and you bumped (the first in the world) into that metal is a good conductor of electrons, it might not be a thought to take that discovery somewhere.

Black Panther example in relation to being on the move: Vibranium would be useless had someone not in error discovered that it can supply energy, heal cancer, etc. But that someone would need to have been on the move doing something to have the inquisitiveness to take it somewhere, e.g. testing if it heals cancer — which it does, etc.

These are good bankable errors ladies and gents.

Slaves were on the move doing the work. It is natural that they discovered errors in the field, and turned those errors into inventions.

Although we cannot pin everything on Black Panther, it is a good story to notice that there is a rhythm in moving people forward. And there is learning that needs to happen in order to muster moving people forward.

The point here is — i.e. the requirement of our economic growth — adding that spirit of confidence to individuals.

  • This spirit of confidence drives individuals to pursue their interests, alone.
  • A person pursuing his or her interests becomes the best student because they own the cause they’ve ventured into.
  • Discoveries or product breakthroughs (e.g. Twitter) happen when people own a cause they are interested in. They are invested in it beyond or without the political correctness of why it should be fulfilled.
  • Self-starters drive societies forward. You can trust a self-starter to deliver. We need self-starters to multiply in our black society. You can’t trust a political correctist to deliver because when shit goes south, they blame and condemn.

What pro-black political correctists can learn

It is noble to champion a cause for people to take action, e.g. start a bank. However, that’s rarely how things start.

Heroes go alone first. They lead the path. Then they get a following or help. T’Challa goes on the mission. He is ever willing to take initiative.



Tiisetso Maloma

Publishing, brands and education entrepreneur. Created 100+ products and authored 10 books. Innovation and economics enthusiast