Why Man Must Innovate In His Own Image Like GOD Created Him In His Own Image — Innovating Per The Human Greed Pyramid

Tiisetso Maloma
8 min readMay 18, 2020


This post analogises and shows why man should innovate in his own image like God created him in His Own image.

Please stay with me.

Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

This is the first book in the Bible and the story of how man was made.

Verse 11 says, “Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.”

Verse 21 says, “So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.”

On the sixth day, Genesis 1:27, So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Verse 28 further goes, “God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.””

It could be inferred that God gave man the responsibility and suiting abilities to look after His earth and its creatures. Hence verse Genesis 28 says man will rule over all living creatures.

It could be further said that the extra abilities are man’s cognition. Man can innovate manmade products — e.g. cars and computers — and other animals cannot.

Man also has consciousness that enables him to act with discernment. This is maybe the ‘free will’ inferred in several chapters in the Bible.

Of spectacular detail about man’s cognition and consciousness is, he can: deliberate (the past, present and future), form memory, gather knowledge, pay attention, learn (though experience and information), compute, apply judgement, reason, decide, problem solve, comprehend, produce language and produce further knowledge.

In evolutionary biology, cognition falls under behaviour. Behaviour is what all living things (also called organisms) do. Humans have this spectacular cognitive behaviour described above and that which innovates manmade things like computers (unlike all other living things).

Science (evolutionary biology) says man evolved. It says the first life formed in the first waters of the earth as single-cell organisms and they divided to reproduce. From that, the single-cell organisms evolved and branched out into the different biology categories/kingdoms: animals humans are part of this category), plants, fungi, protists, archaea and bacteria.

The Bible does not say man evolved but that (Genesis 2:1), “the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”

There could not have been science when the bible was written, or rather no post Charles Darwin science like there is today. Reasonably, the earliest writings of the bible were jotted down about 1400 BC (1400 years before Christ was born).

Evolutionary thinking emerged in the 17th century — i.e. thousands of years later after the first books of the Bible emerged.

My fascination with the bible is that it bestows order and moral teachings. Without order, it is an easy guess that chaos and devastation would rise and into pandemics.

Authors of the different books in the Bible were able to metaphysically articulate how the world became without modern science. To quote Genesis 2:7 again: “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.“

Science says we evolved from a single cell ancestor that first formed in the first waters of the earth. Of course those waters had soil.

Imagine 1400 years before the birth of Christ and before Darwinian science, metaphysically saying, that man was made of soil. Although it is not evolutionary scientific and correct, it is plausible and believable. Not to say the intention was to lie, but that without the science we have today, it maybe was the scientific and intelligent conclusion to make. But also, and importantly, it was made to frame order and morality into the world then.

To me, this is what theological philosophy is about, i.e. setting the world right through narrating stories of the past that have moral teachings. This is a scientific way to capture lessons that history has left us with.


I am fascinated with that God made man in his image.

I infer that man should innovate in his own image or else his innovations fail. His innovations have to mirror his image.

I said evolutionary biology describes all that living things do as behaviour. Men’s behaviour includes his cognition that allows him to innovate.

This behaviour is his image. All that which we do resembles us.

On The Human Greed Pyramid (follow below), I refer to man’s behaviour as behavioural inclinations. The Human Greed Pyramid is a model I designed to demonstrate how innovations work on man and culture, and how to innovate. In maybe simpler terms, the pyramid deduces that manmade innovations have to mirror man’s inclinations to work. I write about it extensively in my upcoming 6th book Innovate Next.

Crying is man’s behavioural trait or inclination. Now, if you made a film that makes man cry, that film would be mirroring that man’s behavioural trait/inclination. That film will be successful with those who like crying. The message or testimony will go around that this film makes people cry and then others who like crying will go watch it. There are plenty of people (millions and maybe billions) who like crying — or rather who like sad stories.

Laughing is a human inclination. It is a craving. A funny film will follow the same patterns to success like the one that makes people cry.

Science says we came into being through evolution. Therefore crying and laughing is our evolved behavioural traits/inclinations.

Evolutionary science says men evolved to have a sweet tooth. Our ancestors adapted the consumption of sugary fruits because:

- Sugar gives energy and we need food energy to survive day-to-day.

- Sugary fruits are not poisonous and the bitter ones consist of those that have toxicants. It became easy discernment of which won’t kill you and which to eat — i.e. sweet over bitter.

- Therefore man evolved to love sugar.

Now since we can innovate, we stumbled (innovations are either discovered by accident or deliberately) on how to make processed sugar.

Therefore processed sugar imitates or mirrors our evolved sugar-loving trait/inclination.

From processed sugar, because we innovate further and further — we have that kind cognition, we innovated further products out of sugar, e.g. cake, candy, muffins and chocolate. They become successful because they mirrored or were aligned to our evolved sugar-loving trait/inclination.


The pyramid comprises of 6 layers. Here they are below.

(a). Nature — (earth, men, and everything of nature)

This is the world and everything that comes with it, including man.

Also, all physical products that man uses are made from nature/earth’s minerals/particles, e.g. steel and plastic.

(b). Human behavioural inclinations

This is man’s proclivity of behaviours. He cries, laughs, is sweet-toothed, loves romance, and gets addicted to bad drugs.

His behaviours are good and bad. Nonetheless, they are his inclinations. He yearns for drugs that are not good for him. But, they give him a high, and it is this high that fulfils him and hence he always chases it.

Colossians 3:5 cautions against bad inclinations by saying, “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.”

This is the bible talking of bad inclinations. We possess good and bad inclinations. In evolutionary terms, they are who we are, and however bad or good.

Every product that is out there in use, is successful because at some level it mirrors our natural inclinations, i.e. muffins, porn, Facebook, Mc Donalds, Chicken Licken, etc.

In fact, when we innovate, we are taking chances that such an innovation will mirror human biological inclinations and thus draw people to buy it.

©. Function cognition

This is how man understands the world and everything in it.

If he tastes that a particular processed product is sweet, e.g. a muffin, because he has evolved and sustained a sweet tooth, he will consume it and want more of it.

Man understands and gets addicted to product innovations (whether they are good or bad) that quench his inclinations. He will want more of them.

For example, porn is a successful cultural phenomenon because it mirrors the biological inclination we call sex.

If man tries out porn, it arouses him, then boom, he probably will want more of it, that is his function cognition understanding that it serves him some utility, i.e. sexual arousal.

Function cognition is also how marketing plays. Marketing media and activities also have to be made in a way that evokes man’s inclinations, or in way that man understands how such a product advertised will help add utility to his life.

E.g. a sexy lingerie ad invokes in women that they too will be sexy wearing it. Wanting to be sexy is a psychological yearning or inclination. So is wanting to have money.

A Ferrari being advertised invokes in people the psychological inclination to want to have money. Well, a Ferrari is expensive, and we understand that driving a Ferrari will get you status.

(d). Culture

This is man consuming innovations of the world, e.g. sex, porn, ice cream, apples, marriage, movies, religion, heroin.

Sex and apples are an innovation of nature. Man consumes them.

Marriage and religion are manmade innovations — and others might see them as divine innovation. They are innovations nonetheless.

An innovation is which what works and is effective for man, i.e. it gives him utility (good or bad utility). Heroin is a bad utility for a sober person like me, but a good utility to someone who is addicted to it.

Marriage and religion give people utility — whatever that which they get out of it (e.g. romance, love, a partner). They are successful and a culture.

Widely successful innovations become a cultural phenomenon.

Culture is everything that people do.

(e). Enterprising innovation

Enterprising innovation is enterprising.

It is where man through his cognition understands that other men want fruits and porn, and he stocks them to sell to those men.

Enterprising innovation is where people sell innovations they have not invented. They can however innovate the manufacturing (you can bake/manufacture muffins and also innovate your own baking process even if you did not invent the baking of muffins), marketing, distribution and financing.

(f). Novel innovation

This is where man stumbles or discovers how to make something not in existence, e.g. process sugar.

He can make the processed sugar for mass consumption himself, or even license it out.

His inventions can be stolen and copied by enterprising innovators.

His discovery will become successful, e.g. processed sugar, because it mirrors man’s inclinations, e.g. processed sugar or pornographic toys.

Then they become a cultural phenomenon.

Novel innovation is how new innovations gets added into society. They push civilization forward.

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The whole point of this article is to illustrate products must carry man’s demeanour in order to be successful. This is how biology links to the success of product innovations.

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See an older article I wrote about The Human Greed Pyramid here: THE HUMAN GREED PYRAMID: An Illustration of How Innovations Interrelate With Humans’ Consumption Patterns and Natural Inclinations, and How to Plot Innovation That Works on Humans https://buff.ly/2tTPUGu

N.B. I have since modified the pyramid, i.e. the one in this article is slightly different from the one in the link. Nonetheless, go read it to get bit technical understanding of the pyramid.



Tiisetso Maloma
Tiisetso Maloma

Written by Tiisetso Maloma

Publishing, brands and education entrepreneur. Created 100+ products and authored 10 books. Innovation and economics enthusiast

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